Period 3
August, 31-2013
Ostracize: to get expelled from a community or a group, or to banish someone or ignore him.
Torso: the body excluding the head, neck and limbs.
Rile: to cause annoyance, disturb by minor irritations.
Gory: the word is used to describe something that features a lot of bloodshed and violence.
Pacifist: a person who opposes the use of war or violence to settle a dispute.
Putrid: it can be the food rotting process, something with a bad odor, or something that is corrupt or evil.
Incognito: it is to do something without getting recognized or without revealing someone’s identity.
Icicle: ice resembling a pendant spear, formed by the freezing of dripping water.
Rostrum: a platform raised above the surrounding level to give prominence to the person on it.
Recuperate: restore to good health or strength. 11. Qualm: uneasiness about the fitness of an action.
12. Gripe: it is both a noun and a verb, refers to a minor complaint.
13. Nonchalant: marked by blithe concern, if your friend is acting cool or in an indifferent matter.
14. Stance: a rationalized mental attitude, it is the way you stand.
15. Burlesque: a theatrical entertainment of broad and earthy humor; consists of cosmic skits and short turns.
16. Suave: is to be smooth, polite, a little bit cool with a splash of lime.
17. Chisel: an edge tool with a flat steel blade with a cutting edge.
18. Chafe: become or make sore by or as if by rubbing.
19. Foil: to hinder or prevent something such as a plan.
20. Fracture: breaking a hard tissue such as a bone.
21. Aggravate: make worse.
22. Monotonous: sounded or spoken in a tone unvarying in pitch.
23. Annex: to attach to, it is an extension or an addition to a building.
24. Foul: highly offensive or wrong.
25. Modest: marked by simplicity; having a humble opinion of yourself.
26. Undertake: when you enter upon an activity in an attempt to accomplish it.
27. Peculiar: unusual,