What Verfremdungs Effekts does Brecht script in Caucasian Chalk Circle and how effective are these techniques in the dramatic movement of transformation?
United World College in Mostar
Student: Selmir Klicic
Teacher: Melissa Ann Reed
Subject: Theater
Block: E First factor I would like to mention when it comes to this kind of topic is audience. The audience was always to big extent demanding for an author and a director to send the message throughout a work of art, a theater play which would be understood in proper way. Mostly concerning this problem, world’s biggest play writers developed a theory being practiced in their plays in order for better understanding of the idea by the audience. One of these theories is today called Verfremdungs Effekt or alienation effect. This significant influence was initiated by Shakespeare at first, who, using his drama plays applied V – effect for better understanding of his, usually very complicated plot. The theory kept being developed since it was first invented. A person who contributed to development of V – effect the most was Bertolt Brecht by inventing a completely new type of theater, nowdays called Brechtian Theater. His contribution was mostly based on Shakespeare's theory, and it was just used as a pose and strategy to bring about the change by engaging the imagination and creative critisism.
„We need a type of theatre which not only releases the feelings, insights and impulses possible within the particular historical field of human relations in which the action takes place, but employs and encourages those thoughts and feelings which help t ransform the field itself.“ – Brecht From the quote above we could conclude that what was important for Brecht wasn't the fiction actors would make by their performance, but the message that is contained in plot. As an example of this theory, and as my research investigation task I will take Brecht's play Caucasian Chalk Circle, as well as