Numerous other foreign investors soon followed, which resulted in 16,410,030 shares of stocks that were sold. Wall Street that was once booming is now replaced by gloom and doom. Numerous stockholders lost billions and suicide rate intensifies. The stock market collapse foreshadowed a business and domestic despair which began the Great Depression. The Great Depression was caused by overproduction of product of farm and factory. The production exceeds the capacity to consume, not enough demands and payments. There was also consumer’s debt with overexpansion of credit since credit gave the means to purchase products an easy terms. However, this caused several consumers to spend beyond their needs and income. About 4 million people in the United States were jobless, by the end of 1930; however that number tripled
Numerous other foreign investors soon followed, which resulted in 16,410,030 shares of stocks that were sold. Wall Street that was once booming is now replaced by gloom and doom. Numerous stockholders lost billions and suicide rate intensifies. The stock market collapse foreshadowed a business and domestic despair which began the Great Depression. The Great Depression was caused by overproduction of product of farm and factory. The production exceeds the capacity to consume, not enough demands and payments. There was also consumer’s debt with overexpansion of credit since credit gave the means to purchase products an easy terms. However, this caused several consumers to spend beyond their needs and income. About 4 million people in the United States were jobless, by the end of 1930; however that number tripled