|Are you aware that 20 million people in Mexico live on less than two dollars a day? Sixty million people, half the Mexican |
|population, live in poverty, and 20 million of them live in extreme poverty. Most of the time, garbage is their food, and some |
|days, they don’t even eat anything. This critical situation in Mexico is caused by individual, geographic and political factors. |
|The purpose of this essay is to analyze these three main causes of poverty in Mexico. |
|The first and immediate cause of poverty in Mexico is the individual condition. This cause refers to circumstances and |
|characteristics of poor people. For example, the amount of education, skill, intelligence, health, and prejudice all have an |
|influence on poverty . The lack of education is one of the most significant factors that contributes to poverty. There is no |
|access to jobs for non-educated people. |
|The second cause of poverty has to do with geography. For example, statistics show that people who live in rural areas far away |
|from the cities are poorer. This is caused by the lack of communication and transportation in remote rural areas. Because of this,|
|governments can’t provide essential services such as potable water, affordable food, primary health care, and education. People |
|who live there are totally isolated from the rest of the society. |
|The third and most significant cause of poverty in Mexico is the political economy of the country. The International Monetary Fund|
|and World Bank-prescribed structural adjustment policies have been applied in Mexico because the government doesn’t carry out |
|enough policies to encourage successful development. They cannot, for these international