Pain in All Teeth when They Are Exposed to Extreme Temperatures
Pain when your teeth are exposed to hot or cold foods, air, and/or beverages can signal a sudden development of tooth sensitivity, but this sensitivity has many potential causes. While some cases of tooth sensitivity don't have a cause, others do. Before you decide that you just have tooth sensitivity and will have to use a special toothpaste for life, determine if you may have caused the sensitivity by engaging in one of the following habits. You can then cut out the habit to allow your teeth to heal. …show more content…
If you have been using at-home whitening kits and/or toothpastes frequently, then you may have damaged your tooth enamel by causing it to wear away. Stop whitening your teeth and using all teeth-whitening products, including rinses and toothpastes, to help your teeth start recovering.
Over-brushing. Yes, you can brush too much and too hard. If you recently had a not-so-good dental check-up and soon began brushing more often and more firmly to help ward of decay, you may be damaging your teeth and causing them to be sensitive. Switch back to using a soft toothbrush gently on your teeth just three times each day.
Also, consider any recent changes in your diet, such as a new love for lemonade or anything else acidic. Too much acid in your diet, especially in beverages you sip, may be wearing at your enamel. Cut out the acidic offenders until your teeth feel better, then enjoy them only