What is Stress? Stress is caused by anything that causes us to feel nervous, fearful, scared, or anything that makes us feel in anyway uncomfortable; that is either, mental, physical or emotional. This is caused by our responsibilities and the level of tolerance we possess of those responsibilities.
In responsibilities we find: Worldly Responsibilities are any expectations of you, outside of yourself. These may include any: friends, family members, neighbors, someone you may work with, virtually anyone may be included. Or any important event such as: funeral, wedding, birthday, party, or in may be something like an illness or an employer. Individual Responsibilities are the expectations we have of ourselves, our beliefs and worldly views, which may include: our personal goals and the importance of how we are viewed by others.
Tolerance and Peers
Looking at tolerance we find: Outside Support: friends, family, pets, or material things that are supportive and a positive influence on you; this may include music, a picture, going fishing, church attendance, riding a bike, anything you care about that’s important to you which comes from outside of yourself. Confidence, attitude: the things you do the best, happiness, religious beliefs, the way you work through hard times in life or any problem you face.
If your responsibilities and your tolerance of your responsibilities balance evenly, you should be able to manage your stress. If the pressure of your responsibilities is greater than you feel you can deal with, you will feel overly stressed. A lot of different things that may cause us stress are not bad. Without any stress we become bored we need to be challenged and with challenge comes stress. It is when stress overcomes our tolerance where we may see problems.
Some stress may be stressful to you but enjoyable and pleasant to