That notion shouldn’t even be up for debate. The reasoning behind the massacres in Rwanda are especially so. There was one ultimate catalyst for the events surrounding the Rwandan genocide. This was the assassination of Rwandan President Juvénal Habyarimana and Burundi president Cyprien Ntaryamira. Although the perpetrators were never discovered, both UN and United States officials have concluded that rogue Hutu extremists were more likely than not responsible for the assassination of Habyarimana and Ntaryamira. Although, at the time, there was no way to conclusively formulate this conclusion. This fact alone enabled the Hutu extremists, led by the radical Colonel Théoneste Bagosora, to dome ranks in order to wipe out the Tutsi people. The assassinations and attempts to seize powers were clear violations of United Nations procedures, as well as agreements reached at the Geneva convention as well as following the Nuremberg trials. The disdain of the Hutus towards the Tutsis was at an all-time high, with deaths being almost guaranteed. People sought refuge in churches or schools, but all for nought. Not only were Tutsi people murdered, but even those Hutus who were moderate in their views of the Tutsis were murdered as well. Rape and sexual violence were a constant method used by the Hutu gangs. It was an international …show more content…
James Madison made one of the most accurate quotes in political history when he said, “If men were angels, no government would be necessary”. I’d say this quote is apt in describing why inaction would be the worst possibly way of dealing with the mass murders taking place in Rwanda. These extremists associated with the Hutu are merciless, ruthless, and utilize any means necessary in order to eliminate their targets: the Tutsis. Personally, I am the type of person who will try to avoid getting involved in conflicts with other people, However, in this particular instance, ignorance cannot be seen as bliss and inaction is not plausible. If these people were of a sovereign and compromising nature, they would not be doing what they are doing. These Hutu gangs have convinced me that they do not hear reason and will not stop until their ultimate goal is achieved. That goal cannot be achieved and leaving these groups to their own devices in order to sort things out would be a grave