
The Cay: Article Analysis

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The Cay: Article Analysis
There are many things needed to survive. Shelter, food, and water are some examples. Specifically, Timothy from the book The Cay had a plan of survival that was good/smart. While Timothy did not think about the smoke in the signal fire not being very visible, Timothy is correct with his survival plan because he could find clean/fresh water, he built shelter with materials on the island, and he built rescue signs for them to be saved.

Another way that Timothy had a good plan is that he also managed to find fresh/clean water. The article “How to survive on a desert island” states,”Water is crucial to life. After only a few days without water, you will die. Only a couple of hours without water in a hot climate will drastically reduce your ability
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The article “How to survive on a desert island” states that,”Having shelter is essential. It might not seem probable, but it is easy to go down with hypothermia if you are on a desert island where there are lots of evening thunderstorms.” Timothy’s plan is correct because he and Phillip made shelter to survive. A piece of evidence from the Cay states that,”It was a hut, he said, about eight feet wide and six feet deep, with supports made of wood he’d picked off the beach. The supports were tied together with strong vines that covered the north end of the island.” This helps show how his survival plan was correct because he used his known resources from the island to build a shelter for both of them and shelter is needed according to the passage that I used earlier in the paragraph. A piece of evidence is,”D’palm mat is very easy. Jus’ ovah an’ under.” This shows how they built shelter because Timothy is having Phillip build some mats for them to sleep on. This paragraph shows how Timothy’s plan was correct because he used materials on the island for them to get …show more content…
One piece of evidence from the article made by World Travel Guide says,“Use all the resources that you have on the desert island to create messages that will attract rescuers. Use rocks or pieces of wood to spell out messages such as “HELP” or “SOS” on the beach. Make the letters big so they are clear to anyone passing. Smoke can attract attention too - you can produce a lot of smoke if you burn damp wood.” This shows how Timothy was smart with his plan because he tried to make a rescue sign and fire. A piece of evidence from the book is,”Wid d’rock, say help.” and later on the page it says,”He placed one in my hands, and I carefully lettered H-E-L-P on the sand while he stood above me.” These pieces of context show how Timothy’s plan was correct because as in the article they are making a rescue sign in the sand with rocks. Another piece of text that supports my claim on Timothy being correct is that,”D’fire pile! When aircraft fly above, they will see d’smoke an’ fire!” This shows that Timothy had a great plan because they built a fire pile that they can set off when they hear an aircraft and they will see the smoke and rescue them. This all shows that Timothy has a good survival strategy because he made rescue

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