There are many ways to approach problems and opportunities, questions and truth though Brown’s Resonance Model offers a unique and useful approach I argue It is not so much as through what medium I approach a problem to solve, but more so who I think I am and what knowledge I have in the approach.
I have a younger brother, eight years apart, and he has a what is called Asperges Syndrome. This a stem off the autistic spectrum and best described as,
“A neurological disorder (that) becomes apparent when the AS individual interacts with others socially. Social interaction, empathy or to see things from another’s point of view (are inhibited by AS) so the individual will struggle, causing feelings of inadequacy, …show more content…
No, there is no scripture talking about Asperges and there does not need to be. In facing a difficulty that does not seem to be conquerable we have come to understand perspective needs to change, that our minds need to be renewed and tradition dropped when need be. (Romans 12:2) This process has led myself and my family to integrate our lives together and what we believe in such a way that we are the same people in and out of home. This has brought a massive stability with our relationship with each other and those around us. We would rapidly chop and change to the condition as this was the culture we lived in. Adapt or die, or force to adapt. This was a fast pace, high anxiety environment and my brother could not sustain himself in this environment. I would say the radio of our tradition had to be turned off for a while to find that perfect tune between science and scripture. To perform what is known as a Maximal Integration by Eric L Johnson. After a while we began to see the great advantage of being the same person at peace in whatever environment we stepped into and of course accommodating a child who has a different way of thinking. There most certainly is a great blessing in unity. (Psalm