These changes include the slowing or decreased movement of the tongue, a reduced strength in mastication muscles, increased oral transit times and the bolus is positioned more posteriorly in the oral cavity (Corbin-Lewis et al., 2005). For the pharyngeal stage, aging results in a swallow response that is triggered lower in the pharynx, delayed anterior movement of the hyoid, progressive pharyngeal contraction is slowed and longer swallowing apnea duration (Corbin-Lewis et al., 2005). The UES opening size decreases and the UES is less flexible with aging(Corbin-Lewis et al.,
These changes include the slowing or decreased movement of the tongue, a reduced strength in mastication muscles, increased oral transit times and the bolus is positioned more posteriorly in the oral cavity (Corbin-Lewis et al., 2005). For the pharyngeal stage, aging results in a swallow response that is triggered lower in the pharynx, delayed anterior movement of the hyoid, progressive pharyngeal contraction is slowed and longer swallowing apnea duration (Corbin-Lewis et al., 2005). The UES opening size decreases and the UES is less flexible with aging(Corbin-Lewis et al.,