Although, this wasn’t enough to keep many powerful European countries away. The scramble for Africa lead to the Berlin conference, which identified what European nations could control which parts of Africa, with no regards to Africa and its previous borders. This created many artificial states in Africa because culture, linguistic and ethnic groups were all divided. By 1914 European countries controlled 90 percent of Africa, compared to 1870 when only 10 percent of Africa was under European control. Ethiopia and Liberia were the only independent African nations in the 1900’s. After centuries of isolation African countries unsuccessfully resisted the colonial powers of many European countries.In the 19th century, after a long period of isolationism, China came under pressure from the West to open to foreign trade and relations. The Industrial Revolution in Europe and the United States had created a wide gap between China and the West, leaving the nation behind technologically and military. In that period, China didn’t have the power to stand up to the Western nations. Chinese tried resisting colonial rule in the boxer rebellion and opium
Although, this wasn’t enough to keep many powerful European countries away. The scramble for Africa lead to the Berlin conference, which identified what European nations could control which parts of Africa, with no regards to Africa and its previous borders. This created many artificial states in Africa because culture, linguistic and ethnic groups were all divided. By 1914 European countries controlled 90 percent of Africa, compared to 1870 when only 10 percent of Africa was under European control. Ethiopia and Liberia were the only independent African nations in the 1900’s. After centuries of isolation African countries unsuccessfully resisted the colonial powers of many European countries.In the 19th century, after a long period of isolationism, China came under pressure from the West to open to foreign trade and relations. The Industrial Revolution in Europe and the United States had created a wide gap between China and the West, leaving the nation behind technologically and military. In that period, China didn’t have the power to stand up to the Western nations. Chinese tried resisting colonial rule in the boxer rebellion and opium