In the beginning, Brutus was a loyal friend to Caesar and wouldn’t have any reason to harm him. But, Brutus was manipulated by Cassius and joined the plan to kill Caesar. For example, in Act 2, Scene 1, lines 10-13, says “It must be by his death; and for my part, / I know no personal cause to spurn at him, / But for the general. He would be crowned. / How that might change his nature, there’s the question.” This quote shows how Cassius convinced Brutus that if Caesar becomes king, Caesar would become dangerous from gaining too much power.
During the middle, on the ides of March, Brutus killed Caesar thinking he saved the people of Rome from danger in the near future. Brutus let Mark Antony speak at Caesar’s funeral thinking they’re allies, but Antony backstabs Brutus and tells the people of Rome the truth of why Caesar was killed.The people of Rome became angry and wanted to kill Brutus and everyone else who was part of killing Caesar. For example, Act 3, Scene 2, lines 204-205, says “Revenge! About! Seek! Burn! Fire! Kill! Slay! Let not a / traitor live! This quote shows how mad the people of Rome felt on how Caesar, the man they loved and honored died.
In the end, Brutus was frightened and sad that he commanded his own soldier to hold his sword and killed himself. Before Brutus killed himself, he saw the ghost of Caesar appear in his sleep twice; one at Sardis and the other at Philippi fields. Brutus realises that even though Caesar is dead, he is still ruling Rome. Brutus came to the decision that killing himself would bring peace to Rome and peace to Caesar. For example, Act 5, Scene 5, lines 50-51, says “