Culture is a representative of the development and history of a country or an area. It may began in the age of teras , which thousands of years from now …show more content…
For an example, people who live near the sea need to live on fishing outside the sea become more powerful and brave than people who live more safety in the middle of land. As a result, their culture is more radical, changeable and courageous. The Spanish has many adventurers and make a big contributions in exploration of new lands.
Different cultures has its own characters. Many People apply themselves into the study of dividing culture into some same parts. Richard Lewis is one of the experts who came up famous theories. He is a British linguist as well as a world traveler who speaks ten languages. In his book, which now in its third edition and has sold millions of copies, he divides culture in the world into three main kinds, Linear-actives, Multi-actives and Reactives. The book named When Cultures Collides and was called "an authoritative road map to navigating the world's economy," by the Wall Street …show more content…
And people's behavior of different cultures won't change too much. Culture may have something in common, but their own significant it's obviously unique. ''Even in countries where political and economic change is currently rapid or sweeping deeply rooted attitudes and beliefs will resist a sudden transformation of value when pressure by reformists, government, or multinational conglomerates.'' He points out that the theory are fit to all the countries in the world while the political and economic may make influence to the cultures. Because the cultures have formed their own systems in thousands of