Goals, when focused solely on the material gain of the separated Egoic human mind, are destined to create residual pain, imbalance, competition, and manipulation. The goal of the ego is to attain, command, own, possess, control, accumulate riches, and will do whatever it takes to get a hold of the resources it needs to get there. This is the energetic frequency of the industrial business world. The money motivated sharks, of the unconscious Egoic regime, with whom run the chains of the industries.
When the Egoic human sets an unconscious goal, it is because the false-self feels as though the source of inner peace, lay within the illusory comfort of material accumulation. If this means being dishonest to sell at high volume, violating …show more content…
I want a big mansion in the tropics and three sports cars. I want my own yacht, and a maid to clean my house. I want, I want, I want.
My goal is to own my own company, be happy, find love, and earn enough money to buy a new car and new house. I want to be fulfilled and rich. I want to take my friends on a trip, and spend all this money on more things and toys that I believe to be the source of happiness.
EGOIC GOAL CARD #3 With the illusion of the present moment
I am happy now that I am earning so much money, and I have fame and fortune. I own my own island, and I am known all around the world for my good deeds. I am rich and I am happy. People love me. ME, ME, …show more content…
This does not mean that you will be idle for your entire lifetime, as you surrender the desire for Egoic gratification in form based goals, or that you should not strive for a better life situation. It simply means that you will be gentle and effective in the stepping stones you take towards your goal of authenticity instead. You are present in your immortal essence, you are aware of your inner perfection, balanced, calm of mind and in touch with the source. You have no doubts because you know who you truly are. You need not take advantage because you know you are tapped into the infinite source of supply. You have no idea, in your human mind, “HOW” your goal will come into physical form, but you have the faith in your inner power of guidance to show you the way as you go along. You are centered, so you do not project into the future, which results in the healing of anxiety. You value the present moment more than the image of your finished product. This is what allows the Master mind to do its work through you. The ego sees the world as limited, a scary place to take what it can get while it is able to. It sees money as something of extreme importance for its own emotional well-being. It has needs of success, to give it a new image to fulfill. It craves attention from other