is considered the strategic mastermind behind all the schemes Alaska and himself pull. He comes from a poor background and stands by loyalty and honor towards one another.
This leads us to our last main character known as Alaska Young. She is described as many things; wild, self-destructive, unpredictable, and the most beautiful girl who steals Pudges heart. As stated in the book Pudge description of her was “So I walked back to my room and collapsed on the bottom bunk, thinking that if people were rain, I was drizzle and she was a hurricane.” (page 88.) Pudge describes the difference between himself and Alaska and how he fantasizes that she is so different from everyone else and truly enjoys the time he spends with her. This book also come with a lot of other characters such as Takumi Hikohito, friend of Alaska and The Colonel, Lara Buterskaya, the Romanian immigrant, or Mr. Starnes ,The Eagle, but for now Pudge, The Colonel, and Alaska are all you need to know. This story begins when Pudge, the do-gooder who just transfers to Culver Creek, meets the Colonel. The Colonel serves as his mentor for the first week or so showing him all the do’s and don’ts around campus and introduces him to both Takumi and Alaska. It then describes into depth the stunts and pranks the group of friends pull off all while Pudge slowly falls in love with Alaska. As time passes, Alaska's and Pudges bond strengthens. Pudge is then fascinated by Alaska's every feature. After months of them being friends with not either one making a move, they get caught up one night. This night was described to be …show more content…
perfect to Pudge; the perfect girl was all his.
Later on that night around 4AM. Alaska receives a mysterious call that brings her to tears. She begs Pudge and The Colonel to help her sneak off campus without giving them a reason and they do so. The next morning they are awoken the The Eagle knocking on their door telling them to meet him in the gym. They arrive to the gym full of students, but someone was missing. The Eagle, who looked as he'd been crying all morning broke the news to them. Alaska had died that night in a car crash. Miles thought he killed her. Pudges feelings were expressed by this line in the novel “But ultimately I do not believe that she was only matter. The rest of her must be recycled too… There is a part of her greater than the sum of her knowable parts. And that part has to go somewhere, because it cannot be destroyed.” (page 22). He is reflecting upon Alaska's death and comes to term with two important things about their relationship. The book goes more into depth about the aftermath. It describes his emotions and the mystery behind her death. I would love to spoil the rest of the novel but you’ll just have to read it for yourself. Overall this was
an amazing book full of excitement and adventure trills shared within a group of friends. The adversities they faced only made their bond stronger. The author, John Green, found a way to make a story revolving around the grief and fear of the death of the main character Alaska. The idea he brings along when he mentions the great labyrinth helped create curiosity and worry not only in the novel but towards the reader. As stated by the Colonel in the novel “After all this time, it still seems to me like straight and fast is the only way out - but I choose the labyrinth. The labyrinth blows but I choose it.” (page 216). In the novel he also used a lot of different factors to shadow a different meaning. For example the friendships, the intimacy and the cigarettes all have a deeper meaning to itself. In the text Alaska says “Y’all smoke to enjoy it. I smoke to die.” (page 44). This line is foreshadowing her ultimate death in the novel. Also the Great Perhaps is a good example were Pudge continues to search for it, a better more exciting way to live his life because he is unsatisfied with the life he is currently living. As stated in the text by Pudge “Thomas Edison’s last words were ‘It’s very beautiful over there.’ I don’t know where there is, but I know it’s somewhere, and I hope it’s beautiful.” (page 221). As you continue reading, it shows that the Great Perhaps is present in Pudges life but it only becomes noticeable when he lives in the moment hence the firework prank on the Eagle. The moment he finally realizes this is after the death of Alaska.