
The Charistics Of Romeo And Juliet

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The Charistics Of Romeo And Juliet
The Charistics Of Romeo
Everybody has heard of the saying the heart wants what it wants. if Romeo was In our modern era, he would really agree and relate to that saying. In William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet there was a lot of feud in between the Capulets and the Montagues. When Romeo and Juliet fell in love they knew it was a debacle to be together, but Romeo was willing to be mutinous. Through all the traumatic scenes in the play it has proven Romeo was very Beauty oriented, Sensitive, and impulsive.
The first topic we will discuss first is how much Romeo was detected as beauty oriented throughout the story. Have you noticed not one time Romeo was seen as ugly, he was always described as charming and handsome. “Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight!For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night” (1.5.55). He fell in love with Juliet because of her looks. He was basically saying he hasn't saw true beauty till he laid his eyes on her. There is no other explanation on how else he felt about Juliet at that moment because they haven't even held a conversation yet, but still in that moment Romeo aspired to be with Juliet.
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He was mostly known sensitive while lamenting about Rosaline also after Romeo killed Tybalt and got banished. It states, “Come, cordial and not poison, go with me To Juliet's grave, for there must I use thee” (5.1.91). Romeo was very sensitive about Juliet's death. When Balthaser commemorated that Romeo was told to tell him when Juliet was ever hurt or something, so with condolence he delivered the news Juliet was dead. Romeo thought it was a sick joke and he took heed to Juliet’s death when he realized it wasn't a joke. Balthasar soon noticed Romeo was pale looking and wild like he was going to do something very reckless and mutinous. This is when Romeo conspired to kill himself by drinking the poison he purchased, but was this really

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