The child welfare system and child protection services are considered to be a penetrating topic. This paper is to look into one of many populations that have been oppressed in every way ever since they have been inside of what is typically known as the “system”. In Disproportionality in child welfare, Terry Cross wrote on how unbalanced engagements with African-American youth has been an established concern over time and that although the child welfare system objectives are to benefit the child it has been the complete opposite (Cross, 2008). For example, I would hear my neighbors speak strongly on how the system has messed the family up and has messed the child up, also. This is how many would probably view the child within the …show more content…
Majority of the individuals and families that have gone through the Department of Children and Families, child welfare, and the “system” are only out to do one thing, which are referred to taking kids away from deserving parents, breaking up happy homes and destroying a family structure, all by not minding their own business but butting into others. These actualizations have been in the media, communities, tabloids etc,. So it is only right that majority of the world view child welfare as such. The world is only going off of their truth, the truth that the world was taught through the previous …show more content…
The FGDM program is known as Family Group Decision-Making Program. The reason I believe it could work is because they have the numbers to provide structure. When you have statistics on what has been happening verse the new focus you get a sense of what needs to be done and how. This program main focus is to serve maltreated children and their families more commendably and to reproof regarding the overpowering amount of minority children in out-of-home care (Berzin 2007). The Family Group Decision-Making Program was first introduced to child welfare in the U.S. in the early 1990’s. Since then, there has been a speedy escalation in its use. In a broader positions, Family Group Decision-Making Program is a child welfare decision-making development in which efforts are made to bring all parties with an interest in the well-being of the child together to discuss the concerns that bring the child to the attention of protective services, the strengths in the family system and changes necessary to keep the child