Prayer: Shall we pray together? Our Father and our God, how we honor You today for your very presence with us! Thank You Lord for the provision of Your Word to us, for the Bible says Thy Word is a lamp unto our feet, Thy Word is an instrument by which You provide immediate step-by-step direction unto whomsoever will want to follow You.
And here O Lord concerning our homes and families, thank You for providing the Word of God to guide us, to fashion and design our homes that you may achieve Your desired goals. Lord today, we are praying for ourselves and our listeners that God Your presence, Your Spirit will break the Word and bring it forth in life, bring it forth in power, bring it forth in grace, that all those who listen to us, something definite may happen to them, happen to their families, happen to their relationship in the Name of Jesus Christ. Lord at the end of this study we are praying that it will bring an increase unto Your Church, it will bring a definite measurable development unto our families, unto our brethren wherever they are even today.
Thank you for hearing us, for we know You have done it since we have asked in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I want to thank God for yet another opportunity to come your way today. We believe it is God who is providing for us, especially His word that we bring to you from week to week. We are praying that as you listen, may it mix with faith in your soul that it might do you good and cause you to advance definitely towards the purpose of God for your life and especially for your family.
Today I want to go ahead dealing with correct relationships, roles and responsibilities in the family or in the Christian home. And today I will be dealing with relationships, I will be dealing with what exactly is supposed to be the pattern of relationship between husband and wife after which as the Lord leads us we will now begin to deal with the