After the nuclear apocalypse, as civilization reconstructed, religion became a major part of society, and so the definition of man was born. The definition of man …show more content…
The telepaths embark upon the vessel as it takes off to its destination, Sealand. As the vessel nears Sealand, Rosalind is heard saying “It’s beautiful, David. I never thought there could be anything so lovely…”(p.200) This confirms that this is David and the other telepaths utopia. Once David see’s Sealand in the distance, he realizes that he finally found a time in his life where he had nothing to fear.
Throughout all the events in The Chrysalids, David has had to make many difficult decisions, including the abandonment of his own family, particularly his father. Fear pulled David towards the decision of abandonment, along with most of the other decisions he made. Regardless of all the other potential benefits a certain decision may have given him, fear was the pull factor that drew David towards the path he chose. No matter how difficult the decision, David chose the right