In the end Elisa learns she has only the weak feminine power, not the masculine power she tries so hard to achieve. Her only true desire is to overcome society’s norms and prove that women can be just as good as the men. Elisa’s physical appearance is very mannish but allows a small portion of feminine to peek through. I took her manly clothing, tools, etc.take etc. out. as her attempt at trying to overcome, or hiding, her sexual desires. The book defines her clothing as “a man’s black hat pulled low down over her eyes, clod-hopper shoes, a figured print dress almost completely covered by a big corduroy apron with four big pockets” (Steinbeck, 1938). Which paragraph was the statement in? A few signs that Elisa is living in a man’s world is the facts that the men were allowed to smoke cigarettes, work outside the home, and engage in business conversations. While the women had to stay home, cook, clean and tend to the children. Elisa attempted to overcome this obstacle
In the end Elisa learns she has only the weak feminine power, not the masculine power she tries so hard to achieve. Her only true desire is to overcome society’s norms and prove that women can be just as good as the men. Elisa’s physical appearance is very mannish but allows a small portion of feminine to peek through. I took her manly clothing, tools, etc.take etc. out. as her attempt at trying to overcome, or hiding, her sexual desires. The book defines her clothing as “a man’s black hat pulled low down over her eyes, clod-hopper shoes, a figured print dress almost completely covered by a big corduroy apron with four big pockets” (Steinbeck, 1938). Which paragraph was the statement in? A few signs that Elisa is living in a man’s world is the facts that the men were allowed to smoke cigarettes, work outside the home, and engage in business conversations. While the women had to stay home, cook, clean and tend to the children. Elisa attempted to overcome this obstacle