Clifford Stanley Ferguson
MBA (Management) SRU (Recognition for Prior Learning); BTH (Theology) UNISA
BCS (Computer Science) SRU (Recognition for Prior Learning); NTD (Electronic Engineering)
Instrument Mechanician; Electronician (Radar-Radio)
submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree
Philosophiae Doctor
in the
Department of Human Sciences
Faculty of Religious Studies
Saint Regis University (SRU)
Supervisor: Dr W. Cilliers (South Africa)
October 2003
Dedication |
My wife Salomè:
“Every great and grand act of God among men, and every minor miracle in the coarse of our days comes to pass by God’s design, not because the human being wills it to be so” (Munien, 1998:44). |
We have come through many challenges. The path to success has not been easy. We have endured much emotion, joy, heartache, and received many blessings. Thank you for being available to help me, and nearby when I needed support. The Lord God gave you to me! We dreamt about this concept, tried our best in developing it. Now we require the rain from God. I appreciate all your love and assistance.
Declaration |
I declare that
The Church serving the ecumenical community through the use of information and communication technology, and modern customer care principles
is my own work and that the sources which I have used or quoted have been indicated and acknowledge by means of complete references.
| | Clifford Stanley Ferguson | 4 November 2003 |
Acknowledgements |
To God, the Almighty Heavenly Father: | for hearing my prayers when I felt lost, hopeless and forgotten. When I asked to work for Him, I received the wisdom to understand how little I really know about Him, salvation, love, the universe, science and humanity. | My promoterDr W.J. Cilliers(South