The Circulatory System consists of the heart, blood and blood vessels.
It performs many vital functions. It plays an important role in respiration. The circulatory system is also important in nutrition, in the removal of wastes and poisons, and in several other body processes.
The functions are;
Transport gases, like oxygen from the lungs to cells around the body and carbon dioxide from the cells to the lungs.
Transport nutrients like glucose.
Transport wastes from cells to organs that play the role of eliminating them.
It contains cells that fight infections and defend against foreign bodies.
Maintains the pH levels and ionic concentration of fluids in the body.
Helps maintain the body temperature, this is especially important in warm blooded animals like humans.
The Lymphatic System
The Lymphatic System helps to maintain fluid balance, defend the body against disease and absorb liquids from the intestine and transport them to the blood. It also collects and returns fluid that leaks from blood vessels. It absorbs fats and vitamins. Lastly, it defends against invading micro-organisms and disease.
The main functions are;
Is to collect and transport tissue fluids from the intercellular spaces in all the tissues of the body, back to the veins in the blood system.
It plays an important role in returning plasma proteins to the bloodstream.
Digested fats are absorbed and then transported from the villi in the small intestine to the bloodstream via the lacteals and lymph vessels.
New lymphocytes are manufactured in the lymph nodes.
Antibodies ad anti assist the body to build up an effective immunity to infectious diseases.
Lymph nodes play an important role in the defence mechanism of the body. They filter out micro-organisms and foreign substances such as toxins.
It transports large molecular compounds from their manufactured sites to the bloodstream.