The City of Kelsey is a small town with a population of 625,000 that continues to grow problem because it has the affordability of a big city in a small town. Team B will be discussing varies effects that Quality Management and Global Competition have on quality improvement.
The city of Kelsey’s quality management processes contains, planning, customer satisfaction, continues improvement by taking action to initiate changes, managerial involvement, measurability, and collaboration. Knowing the city of Kelsey is a small town, everyone works together to better the community and use each other’s resources by implementing the resources within the city and only outsource when it is needed. Because the top management trained the middle management, everyone must work together to provide total quality management and customer satisfaction.
The steps for implementing a total quality management are: “determining the needs and expectation of customers, establishing quality policy and quality objectives for the organization; determine the process and responsibilities necessary to attain objectives; provide necessary resources; establishing methods to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of
References: Burrill, C.W., & Ledolter, J. (1999). Achieving Quality through Continual Improvement. Hoboken, NJ. John Wiley & Sons City of Kelsey a Great Place to Grow 2007, 2009. Office of the Mayor. Retrieved December 12, 2009 from City of Kelsey a Great Place to Grow 2007, 2009. Welcome to the City of Kelsey Official Homepage. Retrieved December 14, 2009 from Harrison M. Wadsworth (2002). Modern Methods for Quality Control and Improvement, 2e. Retrieved December 7, 2009