I wonder if I am going to be on tv.
I hear the bucks clanging together.
I see an enormous buck.
I want to hang a big rack on my wall.
I am a great hunter.
I pretend I am bringing down a trophy buck.
I feel my heart beating wildly in my chest.
I touch the trigger.
I worry if I may miss.
I cry when I don’t shoot a deer.
I pretend I am bringing down a large white tailed buck.
I understand I am a great hunter.
I say that I will shoot a deer every time.
I dream that I shot a monster buck.
I try to be my best at hunting.
I hope I will be on tv.
I understand that I am a great hunter.
Click It or Ticket Act: Speech
Katy-Beth Brownfield
Why you should vote for this bill:
The Click It or