“Run boys run” said John as he turns into the Rhine. Leo run straight to the back door and i went with. I turn and saw Alfonso in his gorilla from helping out John. Soon as we got out …show more content…
Hannah went up to Leo too calm him down. While John and I finding something to sleep on.
“If you don't know Alfonso save Leo life when leo 7 years old. They just join us 2 years ago.” Said john.
“How did he die.” I said.
“We fought the 5 Huter back, and there was only one of the 5. He commanded the rifle man to shot alfonso, but alfonso took out the last hunter without losing his own.” said John.
“I thought the hunter away kill the animal spirit” I said.
“That's just Propaganda” said John. I found a blanket when ever he said that. It took us 30 minutes looking all over the shop to get something to sleep on.
“Good thing the lady who owns this place passed away 2 months ago.” said John. I did thought it was a good thing the old lady passed away, but I didn't say anything
“There is a based 2 cities away I think we should attack them.” Leo said in anger.
“We might if Owen can turn into a animal spirit.” said John. we all setting up a bad in the four corners of the store.
“You can bring the animal spirit out of him like you did before to you who.” said Hannah. That means there someone before me that couldn't.
“Sure” john said. ever one went to bad after he said that. I wounder what is he going to do.
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