In The Color of Water the McBride family experienced this struggle. Their parents were of mixed race. The matter was not accepted by Ruth’s parents when she married a black man (2). James McBride would avoid being seen in public with his mother in fear of embarrassment because she was white. People determine their identity in the ways we are seen by others. Feeling uncomfortable in society by peers distinguishes how people are with their friends and family. Race among peers determine how a person chooses to fit in society. I choose the people I want to surround myself with based on the way I’d like to be seen. If I were to walk with a group of black people there would be less chance of myself being judged. In The Color of Water James states that he didn’t want to have children with his college sweetheart because he felt he didn’t want a child of his to grow up like himself (264). People sometimes choose a path to be seen that affects future generations. A Second example is how physical and mental abuse would affect a person’s future and what kind of person they will grow into. An abusive percent would cause damage to a child’s self-confidence and ability to function in …show more content…
In chapter fourteen of The Color of Water, James was a marijuana smoker (144). James would at times find himself inebriated on a street corner for hours on end with no desire to accomplish anything. The common occurrence with marijuana consumption is that it effects a person’s ability to function in a manner that of; if they were not under the influence. The affects done mentally by the use of marijuana causes a person to not be fully aware of their surroundings. I have been in a home where there have been parents who use drugs and are not able to boil water. The ability to process thoughts was not in existence. The house was complete chaos. The Color of Water, James McBride was a candidate for drug abuse. Any learning process is halted when a person is under the influence of narcotics. The effects of marijuana causes a person to not think logically and in a manner that could affect something vital in their life. Achievements can be lacked in areas such as in the work force and in school. In the work environment a person’s personal problems would affect their achievement goals. I have employees who tend to bring tall aspects of their personal life into the job environment. This causes things to be missed and makes for bad business. In The Color of Water, James had a phase where he dropped everything. He was a talented writer who