However, while Tracy is an African-American woman who urges to dream outside of the community limits of poverty, sexism, racism, she sacrifices her success for love. Her character portrays two images, aspiration and love, celebrity and destruction and above all success and happiness. However, in this movie, the latest terms are reversed for Tracy. While it appears that she wants success and fame, she really ended up having happiness. She could keep her successful fashion design career, though, this is not her destiny. However, the producer’s intent seems to show that success is not the most important thing in life, but as Brian tells Tracy that success is worthless if she cannot share it with someone she loves. Nevertheless, while she constantly compromises her choices, she constantly drills the audience with questions such as: Do we know where we are going? Do we sacrifice love for success? Are we happy with things that life brings? What are we striving …show more content…
Just as color expresses emotions and feelings in various movies and writings, the title of the movie denotes significant meanings. First, I believe that the color purple in this movie could symbolize Celie's purple bruises of physical and physiological abuse, oppression, and cruelty. Second, Shug reveals the concept of the color purple to Celie when she teaches her that God is not impersonal or an absolute and distant God. She encourages stating that God answers her prayers even though she feels hopeless, He cares for oppressor and the surroundings assure her of His presence and existence. Overall, the color purple in this movie is that God cares for people who figuratively crash and treated unfairly yet He wants people to notice His creation and enjoy the beauty of