Picture 2- “I think that they knew it was the right man because the carpenter, truck driver, and mechanic were all girls,” Timothy said with excitement. All the other students looked at him with anger as he stood up. Timothy was the smart alec of the class and was always answering …show more content…
Picture 3- Mr. Purple turned around to write something on the board when suddenly he was hit in the back of his head. “Ouch!” He called as he dropped a piece of chalk.
Picture 4- “Who just threw a paper ball at the back of my head while I was teaching!” Mr. Purple screamed at all of the students.
Picture 5- “Timothy did!” All the other students sang in unison, while pointing toward Timothy. “No I didn’t. No I didn’t! Timothy explained, but no one would listen. “I am very disappointed in you Timothy. Please go to the office.” Mr.Purple said as all of the other students quietly sneered in their seats.
Extra Credit
Picture 1- “Dad, I’m scared! I had a nightmare!” cried Alec, as his Dad came to help him.
Picture 2- “In the bad dream I was being chased by monsters! I don’t like monsters! They are very scary!” Alec explained as cried.
“It’s ok, Alec, it was just a bad dream you are going to be alright.” Alec’s Dad whispered to get Alec to calm down.
Picture 3- “All the monsters are in your imagination. None of them are real, so you don’t have to worry. You are going to be fine.” Alec’s Dad convinced