The Case of Jack
Walden University
The case of Jack illustrates a number of dilemmas faced by addiction counselors; namely, his resistance to treatment and external locus of control. Jack not only denies his need for counseling, but also denies that his alcohol use is any fault of his own. Thus, this paper will serve to analyze and evaluate two therapeutic approaches that emphasize personal responsibility and internal locus of control. First, reality therapy may prove effective with Jack because it frames problems as goals, and also does not believe in the power of outside forces and the past (Miller, 2010). Jack has demonstrated an ability to identify problems, at least, the problems as he defines them. He identifies the unfairness of the war and his wife’s “yelling” at him. Framed as goals, Jack wants to find justice in the world and to have a more stable relationship with his wife. It is notable that both of Jack’s identified problems demonstrate an external locus of control; that is, he believes that his difficulties are caused by past events and by outside forces (ie, the war, his wife, his doctor). Obviously, Jack is able to identify and describe his “quality world,” and which is quite dissonant from his world as it is. According to reality theory, this dissonance disallows Jack from reaching internal homeostasis (Ingram, 2006), and his choice to drink likely stems from an attempt to dull the distress caused by the dissonance and hence reach a temporary equilibrium. The strengths of reality therapy include its ability to simultaneously empower the individual and also rectify an external locus of control. It is also therapist-led, at least initially, and focuses less directly than other theories on emotion. Though these characteristics could also be seen as weaknesses of the theory, they may be helpful with Jack
References: Frankl, V. E. (1985). Man 's search for meaning. Simon and Schuster. Ingram, B. (2006). Clinical case formulations : matching the integrative treatment plan to the client. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley & Sons. Miller, G. (2010). Learning the language of addiction counseling. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.