In the video “Busting Out”, talk show host Tom Leykis is shown promoting his special talk show segment that happens weekly – Flash Friday. During this segment, Leykis encourages women to flash their breasts while driving to “display” that they are listeners of the Tom Leykis Show. This kind of behavior towards women has vast cultural implications for our society.…
I remember one time I was talking with my friend about what we would wish for if we had 3 wishes. I said “I wish I would get $1,000,000!” and then he started talking about how horrible it would be if there were consequences. Which got me thinking, “If I got $1,000,000 through a wish with a horrible consequence it would probably be that someone stole that money from a bank and threw it in my car or people in my family died.”…
"There is a continuum between free and unfree, with many or most acts lying somewhere in between." (Abel, 322) This statement is a good summation of how Nancy Holmstrom 's view of free will allows for degrees of freedom depending on the agent 's control over the situation. Holmstrom 's main purpose in her Firming Up Soft Determinism essay was to show that people can have control over the source of their actions, meaning that people can have control over their desires and beliefs, and because of this they have free will. She also tried to show that her view of soft determinism was compatible with free will and moral responsibility. While Holmstrom 's theory about the self 's being in control, willingness to participate, and awareness of an act causes the act to be free, has some merit, her choice to incorporate soft determinism ultimately proved to invalidate her theory.…
One of the main questions that we face is whether or not, we as humans have genuine freedom. Are we free to make our own choices? Do we decide what happens in our lives in the future? Or are our lives set pathways in which we have no say at all? Are all our choices already decided? In other words, do we have free will or are our actions pre-determined, or both? Hard determinists, libertarians and soft determinists all set out to provide answers to these questions, holding different views on whether or not free will and determinism are compatible. Both hard determinists and libertarians believe that free will and determinism are incompatible but hard determinists reject the idea of free will whereas libertarians support the idea of free will and reject determinism. On the other hand, soft determinists believe that free will and determinism are in fact compatible.…
The nature vs nurture debate has been around for many centuries which argues about the role for heredity and environment in human development. Theorists in the past have argued that all humans are born with instincts which we have in life although other theorists have argued that the way we have been brought up, environment, culture around us are influential in what defines our personality traits and characteristics an example of nature vs nurture debate is the gay gene. The nature side of the debate is that gay is heritable a theorist named George Howt had claimed in 1998 that "being. Gay is in are genes" even though this has not been proven it could be possible that being gay is normal difference which can occur in human nature. The nurture side of the debate is that are sexual orientation is impacted by our environment the theorist who support the nurture side of this debate claim the environment factors involved with our up bringing decide out sexual preference these factors could be friends, culture and friends. Another example of nature vs nurture debate is the twins studies which argues about how much of a twin personality is controlled by are genes and how much by are environment. The nature side to thE debate is that either that twins are grown up far away from each other or together have the same personality, behavior and preferences. If grown apart from each other nurture will not have much of a big impact on the twins to have them change their characterize this would prove that nature when it comes to twins is more…
The excerpt I chose was “Free Will versus Determinism”, and I noticed from the beginning the piece was written with reasons to support the content. First, the presentation introduces two beliefs; the behavior of atoms is governed entirely by physical law, and humans have free will. Immediately after presenting these ideas and questioning the relations in the two, the excerpt explains the logical approach to why they do not necessarily favor one another. Any argument that is presented, or comparison of two aspects, needs facts and reasons to confirm why the person is trying to convince the reader or other person that the argument is supported.…
Society walks about day-by-day living their lives and never really thinking or breaking down how their day unfolds or why it plays out the way it does. Some people have said that individuals have a choice and are able to decide on where their day goes. Others on the other hand would argue this assessment and state that your day and your life as whole are all pre determined. The different is free will vs. determinism. Do you believe we live in a free will world or has everything been planed out and is determined to happen no matter what? To start out on finding an answer to this question we must first break down the two terms and a bit about their background and what they mean to us as an individual walking around day-to-day living our lives.…
I believe that free will is true in saying, the idea that humans can freely choose their actions rather than all our lives being predetermined like the way determinist believe. Determinist think free will is just simply an illusion, and that our thoughts come from our background, and we are unaware as to which we strive no conscious control. As Sam Harris philosopher, claims that our thoughts and desires impose instinctive circumstances that define the character of your consciousness in that moment.…
William James wrote, “Determinism leads us to call our judgments of regret wrong, because they are pessimistic in implying that what is impossible yet ought to be.” (1) I intend to make an argument against James, on the basis that determinism does not consent human beings to completely neglect moral responsibility.…
need to realize that no one “chooses” to be gay, or heterosexual, or any other sexuality. It’s a…
Compatibilists are semantic conservatives; they recognize that they don’t have libertarian free will; their definition of freewill is different. Compatibilism is an attempt to reconcile free will with determinism. Morality requires free will, free will requires choice; Determinism rules out free will. From the Wiki on Determinism “Another topic of debate is the implication that Determinism has on morality. Hard determinism (a belief in determinism, and not free will) is particularly criticized for seeming to make traditional moral judgments impossible. Some philosophers, however, find this an acceptable…
Compatibilism is the perception that loose will and determinism are well-suitable suggestions, and that it is possible to agree with both with no being logically inconsistent. Compatibilists accept as true with freedom may be present or absent in conditions for reasons that don't have anything to do with metaphysics. As an instance, courts of legislation make judgments roughly whether persons are acting beneath their individual free will below detailed circumstances with out bringing in metaphysics. In a similar fashion, political liberty is a non-metaphysical inspiration. Likewise, compatibilists define unfastened will as freedom to behave in keeping with one's determined motives without arbitrary predicament from extraordinary folks or organisations.…
“You can’t choose the reactions of your autonomic nervous system—which governs involuntary bodily functions like heart rate and sexual arousal. For the religious, that is how God made things function. And who are you to question his handiwork?” Sexual orientation is not a choice. So why do some many people believe it is? Why would someone choose to become gay or lesbian or anything other than straight if it meant that they would have a high chance of being ridiculed, tormented, disowned or worst? We did not choose to be this way, it just happened. Your sexual orientation is caused by genetics. You are born with your sexuality, predestined during…
The debate between free will vs determinism is important because it reflects on actions and intentions of humans, but free will brings up strong valid points supported by evidence. Free will can be simplified as a human does what they ultimately and truly want in their mind, through their own beliefs and character. Determinism is about having strong influences in an environment, that the decisions of individuals reflect off their unconscious mind. Determinism can influence decisions, but the final decision and action is up to the individual. Through past experiences a person can learn and be influenced by everything in their surroundings, but it does not force a person to make a decision based on their past. I do not believe that anything is…
the modern world, and people should not be unaware of it. They should not be…