The concept of family is different to every individual and it depends on who and how you ask. One person might describe the ideal family as one man, one woman, a little son and a little daughter. While the next person would say two men with two little daughters make the ideal family. “In the United States (and, for the most part, throughout the world), the "family" is defined in censuses and surveys as two or more persons related by blood, marriage, or adoption, AND living in the same residence.” (Fields and Casper 2001) Many American’s also say that a family must have children in order to be considered a “family” as opposed to a “couple”. “For instance, 39.6 percent in 2010 said that an unmarried man and woman living together were a family -- but give that couple some kids and 83 percent say that's a family. Thirty-three percent said a gay male couple was a family. Sixty-four percent said they became a family when they added children. That number was 54 percent in 2003. “ (ABCNEWS.GO, 2010)
What does it take to attain a family? You can’t buy one, or make one. The idea of attaining a family, to some may seem like a wild one. In order to attain a family, you must define it. One must know the definition of what they are trying to achieve and they need something to visualize. “For example, a household might include: LGBT, single-parent or adoptive families; children living with grandparents; children living with extended families, including grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins; and children splitting time among different family members. Yet, even within these varied configurations, there are other family groupings we may not be aware of.” (, 2013) Most of the population of The United States agrees that a monogamous couple, with or without children can be considered a family. Having a life partner and/or children will let a person attain the status of having a family. Another