The objective of this essay is to discuss the idea of inclusion and how it is implemented in schools. In addition, there will be an evaluation of the progression made towards inclusion in a specific setting. Based on the results of this evaluation definitive targets will be designed aimed at increasing successful inclusion in the school, targeting a specified group of students. Each target will then be assigned a strategy devised to facilitate its successful deployment in school. To conclude, there will be an example provided of one pupil affected by the school’s inclusion provision and attempts made to establish how the pupil might be affected by the suggested improvements.
Concept of inclusion
Inclusive education means that all students regardless of their ethnicity, age, gender, ability, attainment and background are provided with equal opportunities and access to education in mainstream schools, where they can receive the specialised teaching and support they need to achieve high standards and succeed as learners. Inclusion is understood in terms of the placement of pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) in mainstream rather than special schools. From September 2002, new legislation introduced an important change in the provision of support for pupils with learning difficulties. The Special Educational Needs and Disability Act (2001) modified Part 4 of the Disability Discrimination Act (1995) to include schools and educational services. This enables parents of children with a disability to choose a mainstream school placement for their child. The Act was implemented as a result of a wide ranging review of education for children with ‘SEND’, which subsequently called for teachers, by law to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to their lessons to allow the children to learn effectively and feel included in school life (Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, HMSO, 2001).
The Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED, 2004) considered
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