The Concept of & Introduction to Modern Holistic Marketing
Holistic Marketing
An account of evolution of the concepts of Marketing over the years of human existence – from the primitive “Exchange Concept” to the latest “Holistic Marketing Concept”.
[This is an improved version of my earlier article of same title.]
Contents :
1. Introduction :
a. Definitions
b. What is Marketed
c. Marketing Concepts
d. Trends in Marketing Practices
2. Holistic Marketing Concepts :
a. Integrated Marketing
b. Internal Marketing
c. Relationship Marketing
d. Social Responsibility Marketing
e. Holistic Marketing Matrix
3. Future of Marketing
4. Conclusion
Definitions of Marketing :
The Shortest Definition :
The shortest definition of Marketing Management is “Meeting Needs Profitably”.
1. Whose Needs ? - The needs of the people, or the customers or consumers,
2. Who is trying to meet ? - The Producer, Marketer or the Company,
3. What is the Objective ? - With profit to the company, & satisfaction to the customers.
The American Marketing Association (AMA) Definition :
Marketing is an organisational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating & delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organisation & its stake holders.
Philip Kotler’s Definition of Marketing Management :
Marketing Management is the art & science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping and growing customers thro’ creating, communicating & delivering superior customer value.
The Social Definition of Marketing :
Marketing is a social process by which individuals & groups obtain what they need, and want thro’ creating, offering & freely exchanging products & services of value with others.
The Managerial Definition of Marketing :
It’s simply “The art of selling products”.
Peter Drucker’s view on Marketing Management :
The aim of marketing is to make