The year is 1939, and a world war is on the rise. America really wanted to create a weapon that they could use if worse comes to worse. Albert EInstein had written …show more content…
The United States chose a desert in New Mexico to test it and found that it had exceeded their expectations of the damage that it could cause. Among those able to watch the explosion in amazement was General Leslie Groves, who, in a letter to the War Department in Washington D.C. wrote “ There were tremendous blast effects. For a brief period there was a lighting effect within a radius of 20 miles equal to several suns in midday; a huge ball of fire was formed which lasted for several seconds. This ball mushroomed and rose to a height of over ten thousand feet before it dimmed. The light from the explosion was seen clearly at Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Silver City, El Paso and other points generally to about 180 miles away. The sound was heard to the same distance in a few instances but generally to about 100 miles. Only a few windows were broken although one was some 125 miles away.” This was only one paragraph of the 6 paragraph letter that General Groves had written about the crazy blast; for it was such a tremendous blast that you just had to see it to believe it. Now that the bomb had proven itself very successful, America was ready to use it on the