in creating this bomb tried to keep it under tight wraps that is called the Manhattan Project. They tried to keep it to only the U.S., yet it got out by a spy to the Soviets, the Soviets developed their own nuclear device. This atomic bomb definitely make others aware of the dominance we had after WWII. The destructive power of it made it the world’s greatest power. This atomic bomb has proved so much to other countries about how the U.S. will not stand for such things to go on for so long without a bit of consequence to everyone involved. This bomb made the world know what is right and wrong, that these wars should not come up in anytime soon. The atomic bomb dropping on the two places of Japan were necessary in order to end a tragic war that would not of just stopped on its own without a little bit of …show more content…
had to pay in return for the dominance in the world. The development of the atomic bomb had been underway since 1943 so nuclear devices were not an attribution to the events. The postponing the use of the atomic bombs would have only prolonged the war creating a worse fate for the people Japan. Japan would have came out with fatalities at an estimated five to ten million fatalities if they would not of surrendered or the bombs were not dropped. The atomic bombs were designed to devastate and that is what they did. The devastation was so high that the Japanese had no option really but to surrender to the U.S. which results in the U.S. winning