St Paul made an impact as an apostle, as a theologian, and as a letter-writer. Paul the apostle had expanded the church far and wide, welcoming all Gentiles, strenuously fighting for his conviction that the gospel was for all people and that no barriers should be enforced stopping people from having faith. Paul the theologian was the first to work through many of the intriguing and philosophical questions that Jesus' life, death and resurrection had brought about. Paul the letter-writer gave us not only some of the profoundest pieces of early Christian theological reflection, but also some of the finest writings in history which had been used as a source of spiritual renewal at crucial times during the history of Christianity (eg the protestant and catholic reformations). His writings on grace, salvation (predestination), free will, righteousness and 'the imitation of Christ' has influenced future theologians such as Luther, Augustine, St Ignatius, Bultmann ect. After St Paul's dramatic conversion, he was completely and entirely dedicated on spreading the Christian faith to as many individuals as he could find. St Paul went on three missionary works during his life and all three caused major developments within the Christian faith.
1.Paul made his first missionary with Barnubus, visiting the island of Cypress, then Pamphylia, Pisidia and Lycaonia (all within the Asian Minor region). There he worked establishing churches for the people had