The following articles explore how abortion has become an extremely sensitive topic all over the world. Some discuss Pro-Choice: the pro-choice position is favoring or supporting the legal right of women and girls to choose whether or not to continue a pregnancy to term, while others discuss Pro-Life: the pro-life position is that a new human life is created at the moment of fertilization and is, thus, entitled to the same legal protections as any other human being. Since the famous case, Roe v. Wade, abortion has become more and more controversial and many people tend to avoid the subject. Whereas other face it head on, boldly stating their opinions on the matter. The academic works discussed below help provide evidence …show more content…
In addition to Mumford, Mary Ziegler in her article, “Women’s Rights on the Right: The History and Stakes of Modern Pro-Life Feminism”, while coming from a pro-choice point of view, also talks about sex-selection terminations. PRENDA is the reason why sex-selection abortions are not allowed anymore; “PRENDA (Prenatal Non-Discriminative Act) had some bipartism support, twenty Democrats joined 226 Republicans voting for the bill. Its proponents emphasize that sex-selection abortion reinforces sex discrimination and has no place in a civilized society.” (Zeigler 234). Although there are still many pro-choice advocates, according to recent studies in Marco Rossarie Rossi’s article “Nonreligious and Pro-Life”, the number of pro-life advocates is the highest it’s ever been at; “a recent Gallup poll showed that the number of people in the United States who identify as pro-choice has dropped to its lowest point (41 percent) in record history, while those who identify with pro-life have continued with their decade-long rise. In 1955, 33 percent of Americans considered themselves pro-life. Today that number has climbed to 50 percent—with a 9 percent jump in the last 5 years” (2). More than half of America is pro-life, yet abortions are still …show more content…
If slavery is now wrong, what makes abortion right? Both are morally wrong. Bissonnette brings up post- abortion syndrome, the personal struggle (psychological, emotional physical and spiritual) to work through thoughts and feelings about an abortion; this can be experienced by both men and women. He believes post-abortion syndrome is real, but there are doubts, “I’m sure that post-abortion syndrome is real, but studies shows only 10 to 20 percent of women suffer long-term psychological effects. Given the gravity and scale of abortion, one would expect that it would be of an order and magnitude that would overwhelm. It is not. Millions of mothers and fathers have aborted their children and then continued on with their lives” (1). On the opposing side, E.M. Dadlez and William L. Andrews wrote “Post-Abortion Syndrome: Creating an Affliction”, both believe that post-abortion syndrome is fictional. “Post-abortion syndrome purports to establish that abortion psychologically harms women and, indeed, can harm persons associated with women who have abortions. Thus, harms that abortion is alleged to produce are multiplied” (Dadlez, Williams