DQ 2: What are some social, economic, aesthetics, and ethical issues involved in a current environmental controversy? Explain…
In Katherine Mangu-Ward’s article, “Plastic Bags are Good for You” she argues that plastic bags are better than paper bags because they’re cheaper for stores to distribute, they can hold items that are twice its own weight, and they can be used for other household necessities. Mangu-Ward makes reasonable points and provides a lot of information in her article, but she does not have reliable sources that supports her claims. Also she does not cite the sources she is getting her information from. The organization of her article is not successful, and the language she uses throughout the article is not effective.…
There are many communities, groups and people spend their time advocating how plastic bags damage the environment. For instance, Californians Against Waste, a non-profit organization founded in 1977, strives to prevent pollution and protect California’s environment many years. They sponsored and help complete almost all of California’s predominant recycling legislations. Recently, they have succeeded in contributing in exposing the plastic bag ban in public. They will keep on preventing plastic bags pollution, and they want to make sure the ban will be effective in California State. Not only do people stop producing plastic bags will impact the economy, the pollution they produce will also affect the economy. California Agasint Waste concludes that single-use plastic bags cost taxpayers money to clean up. They state that California spends around $34.2 million to $107 million every year to prevent people from littering plastic bags into the waters (“The Problem with Plastic Bags”). It is weird that people spend the money producing plastic bags to earn more; at the same time, they spend money again dealing with their disposal. Such huge amount of money can be invested into other fields to make society better, such as inventing new materials to decompose plastic bags faster. However, people are indifferent to the disastrous effect. Overall, there are hundreds of groups gather together to…
First, there is no mechanism or law to reinforce the use of reusable bags. For example, local governments seem reluctant to develop policy that will discourage the use of plastic bags. In order to reduce the impact of plastic bags, local governments must take some measure that will discourage the use of plastic bags. For example, in Singapore, Shoppers needing a plastic bag are encouraged to donate 10 cents towards the Singapore Environment Council to help finance its environmental activities. Shoppers are also encouraged to decline bags when making small purchases ( Civil Service College, 2014). Second, most supermarkets still provide plastic bags at no cost. Third, there is a lack of public awareness on the impact of plastic bags on the environment. As most of the participants noted during the our campaign. In response to this, I wrote a poem about the impact of plastic…
TOPIC: 1. Find an example (not in the course readings) where the interests of humans and the environment are in conflict (recall the Monarch butterfly reserves in Mexico). What would your judgment be in resolving this conflict? Explain your decision.Are there possibilities for negotiation or compromise?…
Contemporary life is marked by controversy. Choose a controversial local, national, or global issue with which you are familiar. Then, using appropriate evidence, write an essay that carefully considers the opposing positions on this controversy and proposes a solution or compromise.…
The plastic bag law intend to salvage the environmental impact, however; at Stater Brothers a customers received free bags with her EBT card. The bag policy about environmental not ability to pay was instrumental and beneficial. Now, that food stamp receiptants receive free plastic and/or paper bags and I am subjected to pay, I find the law misleading and unfair. As of today, I'll bring my own bag or toss the groceries in the trunk. I refuse to comply with a law that reward EBT adding to the environmental plight and I who have to pay to salvage the crises. Unfair and toss groceries to the counter in the basket into the trunk.…
The first reason a proposed bag tax is a good choice because if people don't want to pay the bag tax then they will buy recycled, good for…
The first pertinent point to make on behalf of the argument that reusable bags should…
Plastic has an abundant amount of uses in daily life. Whether someone knows it or not, plastic is prevalent in everyday objects: containers, computer screens, and even DVDs. One of the main uses of plastic is in bags, and people use them for everything, from carrying lunch to lugging groceries. Although they are an ingenious invention, there are also many negative effects associated with plastic bags, as they are not biodegradable. These types of bags are made from natural gas and petroleum and plastic bags crowd landfills and pollute oceans and lakes (Cho). This pollution takes away from the beauty of the outdoors and the greatness of a city. Many states and nations have a ban on plastic bags, should Michigan do the same? Michigan should ban…
Consumers should have to pay a fee when they use plastic shopping bags. Charging a modest fee for plastic bags will not cause any serious economic harm for anyone. Those who cannot afford to keep paying the fee can simply just buy a cheap reusable bag for a few dollars. Businesses will additionally earn extra revenue from collecting these fees. Also, charging this small fee could cause many shoppers to stop using plastic bags which would mitigate the environmental damage that is caused by these bags. While plastic bags only account for .3% of the U.S. municipal waste stream, they can have further negative effects on the environment. For example, they can injure or kill any animals that are caught in them and could therefore damage various ecosystems.…
If the city council wants to change something, then it has to ban those plastic bags from the city. We need a law to ban plastic bags like those in Los Angeles and…
A few months ago, when I was in Montreal, I was surprised to see that in some grocery stores plastics bags were sold. It is something new because two years ago when I lived in this city, they were free. Now, people need to bring their own reusable bags or buy a plastic bag for 20 cents. Banning grocery plastics bags in Montreal is the city plan as well as some cities in the United States already doing. The aim of this new recycling program is to protect the environment. I believe that recycling is not always effective in some aspects, but it is still the first step that people can do to fight earth’s contamination.…
It is very difficult to a families to live with a fee on plastic bags it would had to make the families that are lower income Americans that are struggling on their money. Some families that are still struggling on paying groceries so if there a fee on plastic these family will became having no money. The author Lee Califf in upfront magazine written “The family that are just on coming to Americans that need money would need to buy grocery, having taxes on plastic bags will affect families on getting their jobs.’’ The taxes of plastic bags will increase in most of the store will makes the country that had taxes on plastic bags that people live in would argue about plastic bags more and more of fees.…
Undoubtedly, there will always be subjects of controversy. One example is whether smoking should be banned or not. Some people completely object to the idea of smoking and think that it should be banned. They believe that the negatives of smoking far outweigh the positives. On the other end of the continuum are the people who think that smoking is an individual’s choice that should not be restricted or banned in any way. Those people who wish to keep smoking legal argue that banning it is infringing on Canadians freedom of choice. Smoking has both negatives and benefits but it should be banned from Canada as the negatives of smoking are far greater than the benefits.…