Table of Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Literature Review 4 3. Multiple regression 6 3.1 Descriptive Statistics 7 3.2 Correlations 7 3.3 Regression 9 3.4 Calculations 10 3.5 Statistical significance of the coefficients of the model: 11 3.5.1 The importance of Constant a0 coefficient 11 3.5.2 The importance of a1 coefficient (Agriculture) 11 3.5.3 The importance of a2 coefficient (Industry) 12 3.5.4 The importance of a3 coefficient (Construction) 12 3.5.5 The importance of a4 coefficient (Services) 12 3.6 Overall importance of the model: 13 4.Simple regression 13 4.1 The relationship between GDP and Agriculture 13 4.2 The relation between GDP and the Industry 16 4.3 The relationship between GDP and Construction 18 4.4 The relationship between GDP and Services 20 5. Multicollinearity 22 5.1 Regression analysis for each independent variable 23 5.1.1 Regression (Agriculture as dependent variable) 23 5.1.2 Regression (Services as dependent variable) 24 5.1.3 Regression (Industry as dependent variable) 25 5.1.4 Regression (Construction as dependent variable) 26 5.2 The correlations between the independent variables 27 6.Conclusions 28 7. Bibliography 29
In this project we will present relation that exist among GDP and other sectors of economy such as Agriculture, Industry, Construction and Services. Methodology that is used is based on the building of an econometric model that use GDP as dependent variable and economic sectors that we mentioned as independent variables. Institute of statistic is the source of the data that are used in our project. The aim of this job is to show the importance of these model ,what role have this economic factor in GDP, which of these factors is more important and in which percentage this model is been explained from these variables or
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