2. In this chapter Roach is describing the study of human decay. She states, “The people lying in the sun are dead. They are donated cadavers, helping, in their mute, fragrant way, to advance the science of criminal forensics. For the more you know about the dead bodies decay- the biological and chemical phases they go through, how long each phase lasts, how the environment affects these phases-the better equipped you are to figure out when any body died: in other words, the day and even the approximate time of the day it was murdered” (61).
3. Arpad makes a comparison between feeding insects and rice krispies. Roach claims, “They live like rice, too, pressed together: a moist, solid …show more content…
It was ironic that Thomas Holmes requested for his body not to be embalmed after his death due to the fact that the author Christine Quigley who wrote “The Corpse:A History” “He shared his Brooklyn house with samples of his war-era handiwork:Embalmed bodies were stored in closets, and heads sat on tables in the living room” (79).
9. “As soon as the water table comes up, and the coffin gets wet, “Mack allows, “you’re going to have the same kind of decomposition you would have had if you hadn't done embalming” “Water reveres the chemical reactions of embalming, he says” (81).
10. Roach states that, “In between [birth and death] we do what we can to forget [we are biology]” (84). Roach affirms, “Life contains three things: leakage ad package and discharge, pus and snot and slime and gleet. We are biology. We are reminded of this at the beginning and the end, at birth and death. In between we do what we can to forget” (84). I agree with this statement simply because it's true all human are full of something. Sometimes need to be reminded what we really are and I believe the purpose of life is to enjoy every minute because you never know what can happen within the next