The show focuses on a family unit. The father Cliff Huxtable is married to Claire Huxtable. They have 4 daughters and 1 son; Sondra, Denise, Vanessa, Rudy, and Theo. When the show first began airing, all of their children were living in their beautiful two story brick home in Brooklyn. Eventually as the sitcom ran, the two oldest girls moved out. Sondra marries and has twins, and Denise goes off to college. These two siblings are forever present on the show, but they just aren’t living at home. This sends a positive significance to viewers by showing them that parents’ goals are to raise their children to leave home and become successful. The other children that are left at home bring day to day challenges to the family. From fighting among one another, getting in trouble at school, and lying to their parents, these obstacles are addressed and dealt with in a perfect family manner. The mother and father are able to relay the message that no matter what the circumstance or issue, you always love, forgive, and protect your family (Terell, 2011).
Throughout the show, a positive career image is displayed. The father, Cliff, is a prominent doctor who delivers baby. His office is located on the lower level of his home. His wife, Clair, is an attorney. They work very hard to provide for their family, and they also work very hard to instill ethical work values in their children. The parents do not give their children everything they desire, but they do provide everything they need. However, both parents work together to get the children to work for what they want. Although the parents
References: Jones, R. (1992, April 29). 'cosb 'y broke new ground. Retrieved from http://articles. Terell, D. (2011, February 23). Watching me on tv: Reflections about blacks in prime time past. Retrieved from l/ 2011/02/23/ watching_me_on_tv