Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the Counterintelligence Program, (COINTELPRO).
Thesis Statement: First, I will discuss the history of COINTELPRO; then I will discuss the methods of COINTELPRO; and finally, I will discuss COINTELPRO today.
I. Let me ask you this, have you ever had a feeling that someone is watching you? Have you ever been by yourself yet you don’t quite feel like you are alone? Well maybe you are not alone. It’s possible that someone could be watching you. Ever heard of COINTELPRO? It’s an acronym for Counterintelligence Program. II. I have spent the past year researching COINTELPRO, and in my research I’ve acquired quite a collection of information, books, and documentaries on the Counterintelligence Program. III. First, I will discuss the history of COINTELPRO; then I will discuss the methods of COINTELPRO; and finally, I will discuss COINTELPRO today. Transition: COINTELPRO was a series of covert, and illegal operations carried out against US citizens, by The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation. Body: I. The History of COINTELPRO begins almost at the time of the FBI’s inception in 1948. A. The first official COINTELPRO operation begun in 1956 but COINTELPRO can be traced back as far as the FDR administration. 1. Marcus Garvey, a Pan-Africanist philosopher and founder of the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) was one of COINTELPRO’s first victims. 2. 1919 J. Edgar Hoover was documented in a memorandum stating "Unfortunately, however, he [Garvey] has not as yet violated any federal law whereby he could be proceeded against on the grounds of being an undesirable alien, from the point of view of deportation.” 3. Hoover points out the fact that Garvey had not yet committed any crime. However, with that memo an investigation was launched by the FBI into Garvey 's activities.
References: Brian, Glick . "War at Home" Lapham 's Quarterly. 2009: 55-57. Web. 17 Sep. 2012. Jamal, Mumia Abu. We Want Freedom. Harlem: Grove Press, 1965