The two different interpretations of the title Zombie influences both the mood and tone of the song. One interpretation can refer to an undead human who eats other human brains to satisfy itself, or alternatively the term could refer to the war that takes over human emotions, when people become desensitised to their own actions. Zombie is referring to the IRA solders seen in the video. But the word Zombie is used instead since it creates a more frightening tone evoking emotions such as fear and anger especially with the significant amount of repetition used throughout the song.
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This makes it almost impossible to forget them. The song is more greatly focused on the emotional aspect rather than the lyrics themselves which is more introspective to the audience. The mournful feature of the song triggers a small section in our brain. This constructs the feeling of sorrowfulness but also rage and terror. The distress caused by the misfortune suffered by others can carve a whole in our hearts but also bring our inner rage from inside of us. [More of a conclusion, summary of what the cranberries have used in