The Boston Red Sox won 5 World Series championships before 1919. Then the Boston Red Sox didn’t win the World Series for Eighty-six years. Yet the Red Sox fans did not give up on the team. It reminds me of what Thomas Paine says in The Crisis, “that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value” (Thomas Paine The Crisis). To me this means that the longer the Red Sox waited it means more to them because of how long they took to win the World Series. For example, the Yankees win the World Series a lot but, that World Series win doesn’t mean as much to them as it does to the Red …show more content…
Currently people’s rights are being taken away. For Example, a writer from the Beloit Daily News was talking about a no smoking law saying, “I feel like more and more of our freedoms are being taken away from us” (Rhonda Heumiller 10/9/06). However, Thomas Paine said in The Crisis “THOSE who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it” (Thomas Paine The Crisis). So Thomas Paine is saying that if you want to benefit from your freedom you may also have to pay a price of supporting your freedom. If this price may be losing some of your freedoms then you must understand that there is a price that must be paid in being free. In my opinion, there are people dieing in Iraq so that we can keep the freedoms we have but, while at war we are focused on security instead of freedom. Let’s just say there are two bombs at two different airports strapped to two people’s chests. At Freedom Airport there is no security where you just board the plane but, half way through the flight the bomb goes off. At Security Airport they have the best security, at this airport however, you may get strip searched. During this strip search they found the bomb when the bomber was strip searched and the passengers made it safely to their destination. The difference between the two airports is that the people who went to Security Airport were giving up some of their freedoms to remain