In recent years, there has been considerable interest in cross-race bias and the
In recent years, there has been considerable interest in cross-race bias and the
Race and Identity. Historian Robin Kelley stated, “Race was never just a matter of how you look, it’s about how people assign meaning to how you look.” With that in mind:…
The belief that race is merely based on the color of a person’s skin has been the most common used method for defining racial boundaries in the modern world. However, this is not an accurate representation of how human beings should be classifies. According to authors, Omi and Winant, identifying an individual’s race on the basis of physical attributes is the most superficial factor in determining a person’s race (2). These authors, unlike many other scholars in the world do not define race based on an individual’s physical attributes. They define race as being a social concept due to the fact that they recognize that the classification of race varies broadly across the world. As stated by the authors, “In our view it is crucial to break with…
Wells, G. L., & Olson E. A. (2001). The other-race effect in eyewitness identification: What do…
Hi Jennifer, I agree with you, there shouldn’t be a difference on how race-based classifications designed to remedy past harms and race-based discrimination designed to exclude or harm others are treated. As you mentioned, they should be similarly assessed under the strict scrutiny standard of review. It is important to realize that affirmative action programs designed by the government are meant to remediate past harms of discriminations. As a result of these programs, not only did it addressed the discriminatory issue, but it also created inequality. Therefore, the strict scrutiny review would be the better method to evaluate race-based classifications. It further allows, the government to demonstrate that the program is “narrowly tailored…
Everyone is different. Two of the top runners in the country can be black and white. One identical twin can be a star athlete while the other is a band geek. Two gang members can be gay and straight. One wealthy person can end up in prison while someone from Detroit’s slums becomes a millionaire.…
The sayings ‘crack is wack’ and ‘crack babies’ has came for this period of 8 years. During the Reagan presidency life for colored people were terrible. If you were caught with crack cocaine you got a way longer sentence than anyone caught with powdered cocaine. Angela Davis, counterculture activist and from the 13th, explains, “ ...War on drugs was a war on communities of color.. Nearly genocidal in poor communities”. According to Debbie Howlett, “Reagan cut budget of Department of wife, Hillary Clinton called black children “super-predators”. Clinton’s 1994 crime bill changed everything about the judicial system. Prisons expanded police force expanded. In the documentary the 13th, the showing of the prison population is shown. From 1980 there was 513,900…
_Race - The Power of Illusion_ is a three part documentary about the origin of the term "race" and some individual views on how race is determined. The first episode; _The Difference Between Us_, explores the biological concepts of race and whether or not one 's race or ancestry can be determined by their mDNA or mitochondrial make-up. Based on the studies by the test group of students at Cold Spring Harbor Labs, the search for DNA similarities or differences among those physically identified as being part of a particular race did not produce the expected results. The idea that race is determined by biological characteristics was thought to unfold the mystery…
I believe it should matter to an extent. Not only is race an identity that we can grasp and claim as our own it can help mold us into becoming whoever we are today. Per “What is Race and why does it matter so much?” by Dr. Benjamin Johnson “Race is a biological, social, and descriptive concept”. With that in mind as our definition, it is to say that each race should look a certain way and have certain traditions, things that “this” race must do. Maybe because of news, friends, or stories they heard about the race.…
According to the Webster’s New World College Dictionary, Race is defined as any of the different varieties or populations of human beings distinguished by a) physical traits such as hair, eyes, skin color, body shape, etc.: traditionally, the three primary divisions are Caucasoid, Negroid, and Mongoloid, and the many subdivisions are called races, b) blood types, c) genetic code patterns, d) all their inherited characteristics which are unique to their isolated breeding population. When someone hears the word ‘race’, they usually just think of the color of someone’s skin; but race is so much more than that. Your race defines not only what you look like but even some of your personalities. People tend to be drawn to people of the same race as them; for example Italians will hang out with Italians and Germans will hang out with Germans. Most people are drawn to people who are like themselves, which isn’t always a bad thing. It becomes a bad thing though, when you don’t come outside your comfort zone and met new people who are different from you. It is extremely important to expand your horizons and met new people.…
Racism is a social dilemma that has been dealt a frequent occurrence in the history of mankind. People have experienced different forms of racism and depending on what part of the world you lived in, many wars have been fought different ethnic and racial group. The term racism has been over used so much so that it does no longer have a significant definition. The meaning varies depending on who is being asked what racism is. According to the book, "Institutional Racism in America," however, racism is a broad term.…
A 2004 review of race, crime, and visual processing by Eberhardt demonstrated that both law enforcement and college students identify crime-related objects more easily after seeing African American faces and focus on African American faces when the conept of crime was triggered, suggesting that law enforcement are more likely to think about crime when in the presences of African Americans and more likely to focus on African Americans when they are thinking about crime [citation Eberhardt]. With policing, unconsious attituteds has resulted in widespread practices emphasizing undeserved suspicion on minority groups while presuming other groups as innoncent in addition to disproporitionately impacting the juvenile justice system. Nonetheless, implicit biases affect how law enforcement percieve and treat juvenile offenders. While law enforcement are afforded considerable power and discretion, it is important to understand that these stereotypes can potentially impact decsion-making and…
Race is known to be the biological difference between groups. It is culturally constructed and was created by countries conducting imperialism and colonization.…
Individuals associated with Dartmouth College and Princeton University created a study that deals with ironic effects of racial bias during interracial interaction. The study began off of the basis that individuals that have high levels of racial bias tend to regulate them selves when around others of another race. They often do this to make sure that their racial bias does not show. Individuals with low level of racial bias tended not to regulate themselves as much because they were more comfortable in their situation. Interestingly, researchers believed that individuals with high levels of racial bias were favored more by the opposite race. In order to confirm these hypotheses researchers created a study.…
The concept of diversity has broadened in scope in the recent past, evolving from the concept of mandated quotas and affirmative action, to the reality of a diverse workforce being capable of providing quantifiable business value. A variety of external factors have influenced the conceptual evolution of diversity within the workplace. For example, globalization of markets has provided the concept of diversity with an opportunity to demonstrate a clear competitive advantage. A native understanding of the cultural values, norms and business practices of a foreign market can give an organization a clear advantage over their competition. Another area where diversity offers advantages is in the area of innovation. It can be argued that "a multi-cultural workforce translates into a richer variety of approaches to work-related problems and processes. Such approaches, in turn, are conducive to innovation that raises business performance" (Rajan & Harris, 2003).…
Ethnicity and race has had a big influence on peoples' every day life choices. In some way or another, most people will be judged according to their color of their skin or their ethnic background. We live in a society full of different races and cultures affecting the way we interact with each other, as well as influencing our views on equality and differences among the many different races in our society. Often influential media groups and social standards shape our beliefs, also affecting how we interact with cultures different from our own, and how various groups interact with each other. Race and ethnicity may be defined as a type of grouping or classification based on a persons origin of birth and includes their racial appearance, language, religion and culture. Ethnicity can be defined as a social construction that indicates identification with a particular group who share common cultural traits, such as language, religion and traditions.…