Ms. Kim
English 11-period 7
24 September 2012 In The Crucible, Arthur miller dramatizes the Salem witch trial, which people are falsely accusing of witchcraft because people were tempted to lie for their own benefit. Puritan societies were concern how they looked in other people eyes and judge each other based on their reputation. The ultimate goals of the puritans was to gain salvation because in order to look good in front of god eyes. The prideful character in The Crucible, defend their reputation by lying which lead to the corruption of society. Abigail defends her reputation as an innocent citizen by accusing people of witch craft and threating to kill people to be silent. Abigail values her reputation dearly among the villagers as she said “my name is good in the village! I will not have it said my name is soiled!”(12). Abigail’s tone is very defensive because people are accusing her of witch craft. This shows that Abigail wants to keep her name clean in village as an innocent villager. Abigail will later protect her reputation by accusing and threating others. When Abigail friends begin to want to confess of witch craft she threatens them saying “I can make you wish you had never seen the sun go down!”(19). Abigail tone was menacing because she serious about her friends not confessing to save her reputation. It is evident that Abigail is not above resorting to threats in order to save her reputation. In other incites Mary warn accuses that Abigail was lying and faking procession. Now Abigail accuse Mary warn for accusing her of witch craft by pretending to see Mary Warren spirit and starts to shriek “you will not! Begone! Begone, I say!”(106). Abigail uses the word “begone” in a timid tone to show that Mary Warren is there in spirit, and that she is terrifying. Abigail also does this to make it seem that she isn’t a witch and that Mary warren is accusing her to save herself. Even though Abigail pretends to see a vision to make it seem