In The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, John Proctor displays some of the key aspects of beig a hero. Those aspects are, he risked his reputation and his life to save the lives of the falsely accused people in his town. A big aspect of being a hero is sacrifice, but even though he lacks the other aspects such as unselfishness and compassion, he is still a hero. John is selfish because before his wife was accused of witchcraft he was passive towards the hangings. He had a strong dislike of them but was not that open about it except with his wife. He then showed a lack of compassion when he force Mary Warren to testify in court that the girls were lying, even though that…
The character John Proctor from Arthur Miller’s famous play about the Salem witchcraft; The Crucible is a member of the Puritan religion. This is a culture established in the values of Christian faith, hard work, selflessness, and manageable living. Proctor is a main character that has committed the sinful crime of adultery and is struggling to repair his trustworthiness in himself and his wife. The audience first see John Proctor as a man of great value that has committed a disgraceful act, which now makes him frail in personality and filled with guilt. As The Crucible progresses a great development in John Proctor occurs, making the audience ache with him when his destruction occurs. John Proctor is the most dynamic character as he values…
John Procter is a tragic hero in The Crucible. He is noble, honorable, and righteous. Procter however has a side to him that was not of the same nature shown through his affair with Abigail Williams which leads to his fatal downfall and the downfall of others in Salem. Because of John Proctors righteous nature he always seeks the truth as he does when he exposes that the girls were faking being possessed. Proctor did not value the power of the Church’s authoritarianism. He tells Reverend Hale, “I like it not that Reverend Parris should lay his hand upon my baby. I see no light of God in that man. I’ll not conceal it”. (Miller 1242) This shows that he is a smart man that will stand for his own judgment. He may not have been born into a noble family, however, he proved to have noble characteristics. Procter is highly respected and looked up upon by many people in Salem.…
“What profit him to bleed? Shall the dust praise him? Shall the worms declare his truth? (145)” Reverend Hale begs Elizabeth to convince John Proctor to convince in order for him not to be hanged. Hale does this because he sees the errors in his ways and knows that Proctor is innocent. In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, Reverend Hale’s despair, Judge Danforth’s integrity, Reverend Parris’ greed exhibit their use of authority.…
He becomes selfless and sacrifices his reputation and his life to save everyone else in the court by the end of the Crucible. John Proctor said "You will not judge me more, Elizabeth. I have good reason to think before I charge fraud on Abigail. And I will think on it. Let you look to your own improvement before you go to judge your own husband anymore. I have forget Abigail" (pg. 918.) In the beginning of the book, he knew he was going to hurt his neighbors from hiding what he did with Abigail, but he was so afraid about the citizens of Salem find out about his affair. John was afraid to tell the judges about his affair with Abigail because Abigail is going to ruin his reputation by charge lechery. John proctor said " I speak my own sins; I cannot judge another." (Pg. 968.) John Proctor tried to speak his own sins, confess he saw the witches to survive, and ask forgiveness for Elizabeth because it will save the others. John Proctor signed a written confession that will be hung on the courthouse door. He knew that will ruin his name and reputation in the society, but he sacrificed himself to save people who are in the prison.…
John Proctor in The Crucible is faced with a decision; to live with a lie, or die for his belief. John Proctor made the best decision possible, to die for his belief and carry his good name. In doing this, he secures his children’s future by leaving a good reputation. He only has one name in his lifetime, so he chose to die to keep it instead of lie and tear his reputation down for himself and his future kin. Your name is legacy, and is more important than life itself.…
Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, written in 1953, portrays the Salem witch trials and conveys how the actions of a single person can hold a high impact on its surrounding community when faced with troublesome times. Throughout the play, drastic decisions are made by many that further the development of the plot. John Proctor, a highly respected citizen of Salem is one who is faced with an array of arduous decisions time and time again. Just because one has messed up in the past, can they not still be viewed as a hero? Does the way Proctor views himself impact the decisions he makes? Though Proctor views himself as a fraud as a result of his foregoing sins, the choices he is forced to make are justifiably heroic, as he does not only think of himself, but the other members of his judgemental and corrupt community.…
John Proctor was a leading figure of the Salem community during The Crucible. “He was the kind of man- powerful of body, even tempered, and not easily led- who cannot refuse support to partisans without drawing their deepest resentment. In Proctor’s presence a fool felt his foolishness instantly...” (1269). Proctor served as a voice of reason and when he agreed with something, it…
In school, somebody may fail a test without cheating, rather than cheating to do well. Immediately after the test, the person may not feel good about failing the test. But, after a while, they will realize that they did the right thing. They will feel better about themselves, and their honor. John Proctor in The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, chose to be an honorable man and fail in terms of losing his life rather than lie and watch his friends and family be killed. John Proctor is an honorable man because he is brave, stands up for his friends, and is a loyal man.…
This book Day of Tears talks about slavery and how this one girl Emma who takes care of these two other girls named Sarah and Frances. Though one day Pierce Butler the father of Sarah and Frances Butler has too pay a debt for his gambling. Or else he could go too jail he pays off his debt by selling his slaves though he sold Emma to Miss Henfield in Kentucky because he got greedy with his money. This book talks about how Emma survived and escaped to freedom to Philadelphia and later moved to Novia Scotia in Canada this book also talks about the harsh times in slavery and how many have escaped or survived in slavery. Pierce Butler had to auction which was held over the span of three days was the largest slave auction ever held in the United States. History records that Butler owned an estimated 900 slaves. He was married to Fanny Kemble, a British actress who had no idea Butler owned slaves at the time of her marriage.This heartwrenching novel tells the story of the slave auction held by Pierce Butler, who needed to sell his "assets" in order to pay off his gambling debts. This auction which was held over the span of three days was the largest slave auction ever held in the United States. History records that Butler owned an estimated 900 slaves. He was married to Fanny Kemble, a British actress who had no idea Butler owned slaves at the time of her marriage.…
The Crucible shows how important the decision between honesty and protecting one’s name is. By denying her affair, Abigail Williams protected her name, but was dishonest. When Abigail ran away she, once again, protected her name instead of facing the consequences of her actions. When John Proctor chose death, he chose to be honest and protect his name, instead of having to live a life being falsely labeled as a witch. In some situations, like John Proctor’s, you can be honest, and protect your name at the same time, but, a lot of the time, you will be faced with a decision: honesty, or protecting…
Reputations are an enormous factor of one’s life in today’s society. They can affect one’s future, past, and present. In the novel, The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, the characters John Proctor, Abigail Williams, and Reverend John Hale are the characters most concerned about their reputations. Because they are attempting to protect their prominence, each of them tend to act abnormally in the Puritan society. All of the characters tend to continuously lie about their sins. However, they do contrast when it comes to the reasoning for each of them "protecting" their reputation. In a Puritan society during the witch hunting era, protecting one's name was more important than telling the truth. If one were to confess to a witch related crime, they…
J.F. Clarke once stated “the bravest of individuals is the one who obeys his or her conscience.” In other words, anyone who follows their heart, or does what they believe is right are the bravest people. Often many people who follow their heart have no support causing them to act and think for themselves. This quote is true because it can be hard to follow through with your actions when no one supports you. The play, The Crucible by Arthur Miller, supports this quote through the setting and the character of John Proctor, an average Puritan man. In life people have to make difficult choices, frequently this choice is whether or not to obey your conscience.…
Rebelling against injustice is the duty that people need to do to bring justice. Bringing justice plays a huge part in The Crucible. The Crucible is a play about the Salem Witch Trials and how it started. One of the main reasons so many people hanged for witchcraft was the fear of authority. It is clear that the courts are unjust, but no one spoke out against it until the end of the play. In The Crucible, Arthur Miller expresses the theme of “Defiance becoming the duty of the people in the face of injustice” using characters of personal integrity.…
Several characters in Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible contribute to the theme of abuse of power, and how it can corrupt a society. Throughout the play Abigail Williams abuses her power and shows what it can do to a community. When Abigail is speaking to Danforth she threatens “Think you be so mighty that the power of hell may not turn your wits?’(Miller 872). Abigail implies that despite Danforth’s high position she could have him put on trial too, Abigail fails to take the trials seriously almost ignorant to the fact that she is putting lives at stake. Another time when we see Abigail abuse her power is when she falsely accuses people of witchcraft “I saw Goody Hawkins with the Devil!.. I saw Goody Booth with the Devil!”(Miller 849).Abigail’s actions demonstrate her selfishness and how it contributed to corruption of Salem, she put innocent people through trial because of how she abused her power. Danforth also abuses his power in the play and contributes to the corruption of the trials and the village. Near the end of the play after it is discovered that Abigail was lieing, Danforth still has John Proctor hang “Hang them high over the town”(Miller 886), even with the obvious fact that Abigail lied about everything Danforth still comands that Proctor be hang, this is a grossly wrong act and complete abuse of power on Danforth’s part. Danforth does wrong again when he is talking to Francis Nurse and says “Do you know that near to four hundred are in the jails from Marblehead to Lynn, and upon my signature?… And seventy-two condemned to hang by that signature?”(Miller 864). By saying this Danforth sounds accomplished to have sent so many to jail, and to be hanged. Something that suggests he is interested in finding people guilty for his own self-prosper and reputation as a judge, a wrongful abuse of his powers. In the play The Crucible there are multiple characters and multiple actions that show abuse of power, the corruption of an entire society and legal system…