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What does Arthur Miller say about one of the following topics through The Crucible?
What would the Puritans think about his choices?
Please select one of the topics below:
|Appearance v. Reality |Is this play sexist or fair about gender? |
|Human Cruelty in the Name of Righteousness |Compare the characters of Abigail and Elizabeth—how does Miller use each? |
|The Idealized v. Scorned Woman |What is Reverend Hale’s change over the course of the play meant to communicate? |
|The Role of Sexuality and Sexual Repression |How does the tension between spiritual desires and physical desires shape The Crucible? |
|Explain how the title of The Crucible is a good metaphor for |Explain how John Proctor is or is not a hero for today’s reader. |
|Miller’s play | |
Remember that these are only topics. In order to be considered a theme, the analytical writer must make a statement about these topics, explaining their relevance to the central meaning of the work.
Points to remember:
1. Your essay must provide an insightful thesis, with thorough explanation. No thesis, no grade.
2. The minimum number of paragraphs is four.
3. Follow the MLA guidelines for typing an essay, which include: • All drafts must be typed • Double-spaced • Times New Roman or Arial, Pt. Size 12 • Correct parenthetical citation formatting
4. Body paragraphs must contain a minimum of two pieces of evidence (direct quotation from the text).