Even Mary wrote about how she would rather die than be taken captive, but recanted what she said once she was face with certain death and realize how precious life is. (Rownlandson,…
At the beginning of chapter 5, Jo is in her exercise clothes, and Meg can not believe that Jo decides to go out on such a cold, wet day. Jo heads over to her neighbor’s house, the Laurences. Ever since the New Year’s Party, Jo has wanted to talk with Laurie. To get his attention, she throws a snowball at his window. Laurie pokes his head out and explains that he is very sick and very bored, so he can not go outside.…
In this film a group of girls go dancing in the woods with a black slave named Tituba. They see that they have been caught by the local minister and one of the girls falls into a coma. The girl is rushed to the village and puts everyone at worry. Parris tries to calm everyone down they gathered were the girl was kept. Abigail the main girl from the clique talks the girls into admitting they were just dancing in the forest nothing else. John Proctor, a local farmer, hears about what went on in the forest. He also was working for John and his wife Elizabeth, but after she found out Abigail and her own husband were having an affair she quickly fired her from that job. In the movie you can tell that Abigail still wants to be with John but john refuses to commit another foolish act. One day Betty wakes up from her coma and begins screaming. Everyone rushes in and wonders if she was bewitched. Since her parents died and left her, they left her money and land deeds obviously they were going to say that she had been bewitched to get rid of her so that they can take her property. Reverend hale begins growing suspicious of the whole situation and speaks to tituba. Tituba then confesses to communing with the devil, and say that she has seen the devil conspiring with other townspeople. Betty joins them and starts naming witches. Elizabeth knowing all of the killings were not true, she tells her husband to denounce Abigail as a fraud. When her husband refuses to do so Elizabeth becomes very angry and jealous and accuses his of still having feelings for her. Soon Elizabeth is accused of witchcraft and is arrested and taking to court. Elizabeth encourages John to take matters to justice and accuse Abigail and the girls of fraud. Elizabeth is pregnant and is insisted to the court system to…
1. There are many factors that contribute to the initiation and the escalation of the witch hunts in Salem. Partisans truly believed in the existence of witches, as it was recognize as a sin against God in the bible. This caused their society to accredit any unnatural happenings to the Devil. When Ruth and Betty cannot wake, Ann Putnam blames her daughters unconscious state and the deaths of her unbaptized babies on witchery. Witchcraft in Salem is only a rumor until Reverend Hale comes to cleanse the town of evil. Soon after Paris tells Hale of his discovery of the girls dancing in the forest, Abby cries witch on Tituba to avoid being prosecution herself. This marks the beginning of the witch…
The play “The Crucible” was published in 1953 by Arthur Miller and takes place in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692 during the Salem witch trials.…
1. The tragic hero in the Crucible would be John Proctor since he was able to stand for who we was. He stood for an honorable cause, even though he had some minor flaws – not forgiving himself and his affair with Abigail. Proctor was able to lead the book with his heroic characteristics and traits by standing up to what he believed in and choosing the righteous decisions in the appropriate situations. Through the many downfalls Proctor faced, he was able to regain himself by trying the resolute his own problems. An example would be through the committing of adultery with Abigail and how he attempted to still show respect and affection to his wife by protecting her from being thrown in jail. On page 76, Proctor said “My wife will not die for me! I will bring your guts to your mouth but that goodness will not die for me!” He is expressing to the audience that there is a presence of humanity and righteousness in himself and nothing will ever amend his ways of living his life. When he knew about the devious scandals behind the witchcraft accusations, he strived to release all the innocent people. In addition, he refused to die as a martyr because he knew that he wasn’t a perfect model for others to follow – even though Judge Danforth insisted (page 132).…
1.) The irony in this statement is purely the fact that the very corruption that the church was trying to avoid is exactly what is became overcome with. The wrong and deceitful lies that the church wanted to evade became the basis for many accusations and convictions of innocent peoples.…
“On matters of style, swim with the current, on matters of principle, stand like a rock,” is a quote by, Thomas Jefferson. This quote highly relates to the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller, because of the daunting challenges they faced, which made them decide whether to follow what is right or wrong . The Author, vividly explains the tragic story and background of what happened during the Salem Witch Trials. Such as, hanging of innocent people, by an accusation that only the accuser can see, this is called spectral evidence. He even goes into explaining a man that is tortured by pounds and pounds of rocks placed on his chest till he could no longer breath. First, John Proctor is a well known man of the town, he is accused…
I would stand up for what I believe in unless given reasonable doubt or pressured into doing so. If I was to be pressured, it wouldn’t do much good. I don’t succumb to peer pressure at all. Not even if I was threatened would I give in. I would stand up for what I believe in for a very long time. To me, I could do this because I follow my gut and…
Crucible (n.) 1. A container able to withstand great heat 2. Molten collection space 3. A severe test or trial…
In The Crucible, Arthur Miller conveys various themes relating the HUAC trials to the Red Scare and many occurring events in the world today. The Red Scare was a time of fear and agony of communism for many citizens in the United States. In this play, John Proctor is an individual who is well respected in the town of Salem for his hard working reputation. He faces many struggles and life or death situations that test his morals. John struggles through his resistance in a relationship with Abigail, confessing to his sin in the court, and by showing respect for himself and others when he tears up the document proving his confession. In his play, Arthur Miller conveys the theme of standing up for what’s right, even in the worst case of injustice through his character John Proctor.…
I believe that it is better to die for what you believe rather than to lie to save your own life. Many people have died for their beliefs. There are martyrs from all over the world, and they were not afraid to stand up for what they believed in, even if it meant losing their lives. Those people have gone down in history, and are respected by many. Joan of Arc was burned at the stake at the age of 19 for believing that her visions were from God. The English leaders tried to force her to deny that God had spoken to her, but she refused. She went down in history as a great martyr and she is still today and perfect example of standing up for what you believe in. Another great martyr…
This quote is true because disobeying orders can cost people there lives, more people than just the one disobeying those orders. In a time of war orders can go from shoot on sight to hold your fire even if fired…
I agree with Tim because it's better to go to war for your country then run away from the law the rest of your life. I do believe if you support the war then you should sacrifice yourself not others. He states this when he says, "If you support the war, if you think it's worth the price, that's fine,but put your own precious fluids on the line." What this quote is saying is if you support the war then you should go enlist in the army yourself. Tim is forced to join the army by his community and family, he states this when he says," I felt paralyzed. All around me the options seemed to be narrowing, as if I was hurtling down a huge block funnel, the whole world squeezing in tight" he had no other option and was pushed into this…
“He who saves one life it is as though he saves the world”. You make the call, you have control over what you want to do or not do. Do you really want to do it, or are you too scared to stand up for yourself and just say no? You must stand up for yourself, and be confident with your decision. What if you say yes? What if you decide not to stand up for yourself? What if you are not confident? This is the moment where you have to decide if that “one time”, will determine your path. But you really have to stop and think for a moment. Is what you are doing a complete and true definition of you? Whose life are you really leading?…