“The Crucible” is a thought provoking play written by Arthur Miller and is about the hysteria that witchcraft caused to the town Salem is the 1950’s. The hysteria begins from when the girls were caught using witchcraft by dancing in the forest and this resulted in the intensive plot. Throughout the play, there are a lot of conflicting personalities which create tension and anxiety for others in the play as well as the reader. However the main conflict which is highly evident is between the two characters Abigail Williams and Elizabeth Proctor. They are very important women in the story as they are completely the opposite which makes them vital of the play.
Abigail Williams is a seventeen year old girl; she is an orphan as her parents were murdered by Indians. Abigail is malicious, evil and a liar. She was Elizabeth Proctors servant before she got fired. Elizabeth fired her as she found out she had an affair with her husband John Proctor. Abigail is a complex character who was the result of nineteen people’s innocent deaths throughout the play suggesting she doesn’t have many values. This shows the contrast with Elizabeth as Elizabeth is a woman who is very religious and sticks with strict, correct morals. Although Elizabeth knows about John and Abigail’s affair, she still deeply loves and respects him and is pregnant with their child. This is shown when she says to John ‘’I do not judge you’’ Elizabeth represents love and honesty in the play.
As Abigail is a young beautiful girl, costume and make-up will be well considered. Foundation will be used to show up better under the light and rosy tints will be used on her cheeks to show a young, healthy age. Abigail will have a vintage dress and matching hat as her costume to show that she considers her appearance and thinks she is better than everyone else. This will help gain a natural look to the character as well as realistic to who she is as a person. Whereas when assigning make up to Elizabeth